Auditing and Accounting in Augsburg, Image: © Petr Kurgan -


Apart from traditional audits involving statutory and special audits, our particular focus lies on structural change, mergers and acquisitions, as well as investment and finance. We are connected within a transregional network of specialists which gives us the opportunity to support our customers in all stages of the decision-making process.

Statutory Audits

In times of increasing financial and legal risks for company management and supervisory bodies, the need has arisen for auditors well-acquainted with the legal and economical environment of a company who do not hide away behind institutional covers and form sheets. An audit carried out according to professional standards is capable of reliably uncovering any errors in accounting and is thus much more than just an “annoying” routine task.

Freiwillige Prüfungen

Während sich auch viele kleinere Unternehmen ihr Qualitätssicherungssystem zertifizieren lassen, gilt das nicht für den Jahresabschluss und das Rechnungswesen. Eine freiwillige Jahresabschlussprüfung erhöht das Vertrauen der Banken und Eigenkapitalgeber und ist ein Nachweis für die Integrität und das Qualitätsbewusstsein der Geschäftsleitung.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Company acquisitions and mergers confront managements - often for the first time - with a large number of problems: risks and synergies must be assessed, maximum and minimum price limits must be identified, financial questions must be solved and the whole transaction must be structured and executed according to a fiscal optimum.

We accompany all stages of the decision making process as well as the execution of the transaction and offer the following services: 

  • Due dilligence audits,
  • Assessments of corporate values,
  • Support in the development of a taylored management and financial concept,
  • Development and optimization of a tax-efficient transaction,
  • Negotiation support.

Structural Change

Changes in legal (especially tax law) and economical frameworks make structural changes reasonable if not inevitable. This means that companies need remodeling, merging or a change in legal structure.

We help managements determine the financial benefits of structural change. Impacts on taxation must be examined and possibly met with alternatives.

Investment and Finance

In comparison to other European countries, German companies rely on relatively small equity ratios. Small companies traditionally rely on bank loans, big industrial companies issues bonds. As a result, the high degree of outside capital leads to higher vulnerability to crisis. Options for higher financial self-sufficency (in the form of silent partnerships/participation and increase in capital in connection with an initial public offering) should be examined and possibly realized.

When large investments are made, it is often advisable to not only have the economic reasonableness examined by an external advisor but more importantly, to have financing alternatives presented and evaluated.

We support you in the development of a closed investment and financial concept and assist you in the evaluation of emerging opportunities for growth and the reduction of vulnerability to risk of your company.